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寻找有关博彩网址大全专业学院的更多信息 Studies? Learn more about what programs 我们提供,哪一个适合你,为什么在线教育是有益的,不同之处 between online and traditional courses, and more.

General FAQs


博彩网址大全的专业研究学院提供在线学士学位、硕士学位和证书. Explore our online programs.

博彩网址大全专业研究学院提供的在线课程有何不同 from traditional courses?

我们的课程以同样高质量的课程和经验丰富的教师为特色 和博彩网址大全的传统课程一样充满挑战,但是 是由从事兼职或全职工作的成年人来完成的吗.

有了完全在线课程的便利,你可以通过a来获得学位 国家认可的学术机构,适合你的生活方式.

What is the tuition rate for 博彩网址大全’s School for Professional Studies?

当你从专业研究学院毕业时,你会获得一个学位 Saint Louis University but at half the cost of a traditional degree. Our reduced tuition is competitively priced with other adult programs in the area. We even offer several scholarships exclusively for adult students. See current tuition and fees.

Are 博彩网址大全’s online degree programs accredited?

Yes. 博彩网址大全认可的成人学位课程进行审查和评估 由中北部高校联合会高等教育委员会和 Schools. HLC一直是博彩网址大全的认证机构 since 1916. 认证机构要求博彩网址大全进行任何必要的改进 需要在其专业承诺的使命,提供一个特殊的教育 to students.


Benefits of an Online Education

What are the benefits of taking online classes?

我们的在线和加速学位课程提供专门设计的课程 benefit working adults. When you take an online class you can work toward your degree at a time and place that fits best with your schedule.

课程是一个方便的8周的学期,而不是16周的学期. With five 全年八周的学期,你可以在适合你的时间开始.

How do I know if online programs are right for me?

虽然我们的课程是为了适应非传统学生的生活方式, 考虑一下这些程序是否适合你仍然是一个好主意.

要知道在线课程是否适合你的生活,最好的方法就是问问你自己 a few important questions before you begin, including:

  • What is my purpose for going back to school?
  • Am I looking for personal enrichment?
  • Do I want to increase my earning power?
  • Do I want to advance with my current job or change careers?
  • Would I like to be more of a role model for my family?
  • Can I commit the time and motivation to study on my own schedule?
  • Am I comfortable enrolling in a completely online program?
在线或通过速成课程获得学位是否与参加培训一样好 on campus and getting a degree?

是的,你仍然在博彩网址大全获得学位,这所大学在全美排名第一 the best universities in Missouri and the United States. Our online courses offer 与校内课程相同的优质课程和经验丰富的教师.

博彩网址大全专业研究学院的学位和传统的学位一样有益吗 degrees in helping me in my career?

Yes. 我们的学位课程具有适用的知识和技能,你可以带来 into the workplace. In fact, 90 percent of 博彩网址大全 graduates are either working or in graduate school six months after graduating. Among those, 95 percent are working in their chosen field.


Scheduling Courses

我需要多长时间才能完成专业学院的学位课程 Studies?

你必须完成每学期至少一个SPS课程,以保持一个 active status. You can review our continuous progress policy for more information.

How many courses should I take at once?
Students typically take one or two classes per term. There are six terms per year.


How quickly can I earn my degree by taking courses in this format?
你在专业研究学院花费的时间在很大程度上取决于 on if you are a transfer student or are just starting your degree. Your academic advisor can help you create a customized academic plan.



In the Classroom

What if I have a question about a lesson or an assignment?

对于特定课程的问题,你的老师应该永远是你的第一来源 information. 对于更广泛的问题,博彩网址大全提供辅导,写作,图书馆和技术 support. 如果你找不到问题的答案,你可以联系你的老师 advisor or email,专业研究学院的人会尽快联系你 as possible.

How are tests and assignments handled?


你只需要一台能上网的电脑就能进入我们的在线课程 connection. 但是,您必须满足一些要求才能保证完全参与.
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